Yuval Noah Harari, the author of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, has said: “Never underestimate human stupidity. It’s one of the most powerful forces in the world.” As a child, Stefan Engeseth often got into trouble with his teachers, because he did not believe them. Could it really be true that we, Homo Sapiens, achieved all that stupidity taught to us in history class? We’re destroying the planet, there’s new cold and hot wars, and economic systems are becoming unstable… yet, at the same time, we’re intelligent and receiving the Nobel Prize. It did not make sense to him as a child, and it still does not today, which is perhaps why when consuming news, it feels like we are in World War 3 with the planet and ourselves.

Homo Stupido attempts to explain why, human stupidity seems to dominate our lives, from current wars to the environment, politics to economics, terrorism to sport. In answering the question, “Are we intelligent or stupid?”, Stefan Engeseth seeks lessons from our past failures, from the animal kingdom, and stretches all the way back to the creation of Earth to find ways to turn the power of stupidity into a more positive force for society and the planet.

Stefan Engeseth – Guest Professor, Shark Diver and Keynote Speaker. All his life he has seen patterns of the future and been called the ‘Creative Futurist.’ Previously written four books (including ‘One’ and ‘Sharkonomics,’). In ‘Homo Stupido’ does Stefan captures what’s next for humankind.

© 2024 Stefan Engeseth